Healthcare impacts the well-being of every person in our State and plays a significant role in our economy and budget. Marc believes we must do everything possible to provide and maintain access to affordable, high-quality care while finding innovative solutions to control costs. By supporting world-class care, innovation, and wellness, Marc believes that Maryland residents and businesses will prosper. Marc’s six-part healthcare plan for Maryland includes:
Continuing to implement the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) through the operation of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, which allows individuals to access affordable but comprehensive healthcare options. Over 400,000 Marylanders rely on the Affordable Care Act for their health insurance, and we must do everything possible to ensure that access to affordable healthcare is maintained, regardless of changes at the national level. The Exchange is critical to Maryland’s healthcare future and continued oversight and maintenance will be required to make sure it is delivering on its potential. The 2013 roll out was not smooth but the problem--now resolved--was one of poor information technology and design, not a problem with the healthcare law. Maryland must do everything possible to help the uninsured enroll while also investigating this state management failure.
Providing every resident with access to comprehensive, affordable, and high quality healthcare. While private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid support the healthcare needs of many in our State, others are left uninsured. Marc believes that outreach and effective operation of the Maryland Health Benefits Exchange will reduce Maryland’s uninsured population. Marc is working to ensure underserved communities and providers have improved access to healthcare.
Fostering innovation in the delivery of medical services to reduce healthcare costs. Identifying cost-savings measures such as lowering administrative costs, increasing the use of technology, using check lists to maintain proper care, more effectively tracking a patient’s healthcare services, and encouraging wellness programs will make for a stronger economy and reduced health care costs. These efforts will also help patients get better care and spur innovation in the private sector because providers will be incentivized to develop more efficient means of care. Montgomery County is home to government agencies and businesses at the forefront of many of these innovations.
Maintaining Maryland’s special status by continuing the state’s unique Medicare waiver which allows the state’s Health Services Cost Review Commission to set hospital reimbursement rates for Medicare, Medicaid, and all private insurance (called an “all payer” system). This program has kept hospital cost growth in Maryland well below national trends according to independent studies and must be supported.
Working to ensure that Maryland’s children have access to the quality health care that they need and establish family leave programs for new parents. A healthy start greatly increases a child’s chances for a productive, healthy life, so Marc is working to improve coverage for children in Maryland through education and other public awareness campaigns. As a young parent, Marc is fully aware of the demands of caring for a young child. Marc continues to work with his colleagues to support and tailor programs that improve family leave policies for new parents and those caring for sick and elderly relatives. He is proud to have supported family leave legislation that would make it easier for employees to care for a loved one. Although the legislation was vetoed by the Governor, Marc believes that such policies will not only create stronger families, but will also result in more productive workers who know their place of employment is supportive of them and their loved ones, and will continue to fight for family leave programs.
Keeping Medicaid strong so that our most vulnerable state residents have health coverage. Marc is always working to improve access to quality care for all Medicaid enrollees, particularly those with special needs so that they can fully maximize their potential.