Meet MarcMarc Korman was first elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2014. In 2023, he was named chair of the Environment & Transportation Committee, one of just six standing committees in the House. Prior to that, he served on the Appropriations Committee where he previously chaired the Transportation & Environment Subcommittee and the Personnel Subcommittee. In 2023, he served as Majority Leader of the House of Delegates.
From 2018 to 2022, Marc served as chair of the 24-member Montgomery County House Delegation, the largest delegation in the state legislature. From 2015-2018, Marc served on the Education and Economic Development Subcommittee. Marc also chaired the WMATA-Metro Work Group, a perch from which he helped pass dedicated funding for Metro and received a Legislator of the Year Award from the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, the Green Legislator of the Year Award from the League of Conservation Voters, and the Special Regional Impact Award from the Council of Governments. Marc has also passed major legislation related to the environment, government and budget transparency, education, and more. Marc was born and raised in Montgomery County. Marc attended Montgomery County Public Schools and graduated from Richard Montgomery High School. He attended college at the University of Southern California and returned to Montgomery County while working on Capitol Hill. On Capitol Hill, Marc worked for two Democratic Members of Congress on an array of policy issues including transportation, healthcare, and the environment. He earned his Master’s degree in Government from Johns Hopkins University. He went on to receive his law degree from the University of Maryland where he was awarded the Public Service Award. He currently practices law at a firm in Washington, DC and has been a co-recipient of the firm’s Pro Bono Award. From 2007 to 2014, Marc represented District 16 on the Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, the governing body of the local Democratic Party. In that position, he worked to ensure that District 16 had the best, most active group of Democratic volunteers in the state and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for County Democrats. He has also been an active member of the Democratic Party’s Issues Committee, supporting reforms to Maryland’s election laws to make it easier to register to vote and promote early voting. Marc previously served as president of the Montgomery County Young Democrats and National Committeeman for the Young Democrats of Maryland. He has been an active member of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Democratic Breakfast Club and the District 16 Democratic Club. Marc is a past chair of the Western Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Board, which advises the Montgomery County Executive and County Council on local issues including land use, transportation, education, public safety, and budgetary matters. Previously, he chaired the Citizens Advisory Board’s Public Safety and Quality of Life Committee. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Bethesda Urban Partnership, a non-profit organization which markets and manages downtown Bethesda. He has also volunteered with the Action Committee for Transit to promote the Purple Line and other transit solutions to traffic, the Montgomery County Parks Department to build and maintain the County’s terrific network of trails, and other local organizations. He was in the 2013 Leadership Montgomery class. Marc lives with his wife, Rebecca; son, Harrison; and daughter, Abby, in Bethesda. |